A Discussion
1) Does burning the oil lamps, electrical bulbs around pictures in the name of God help in burning your EGO? It just burns a hole in your pockets. That is it.
2) If God can see all at any time, does he need those flickering weak lamps to see around your house and temples?
3) If God is everywhere, then how can you lock him up in your ‘God’s room’?
4) If God is with you always, why are you searching him in the temples, churches and mosques?
5) If God is ONE, then why does he need so many places to live when people don’t have shelter over the head?
6) If people become ghosts & spirits after death, then why are all worshiping the ghosts of king Ram, Krishna or Jesus?
7) Has anyone taken the photograph of God to think that he looks as funny and fat like Ganapati or voluptuous like Durga? Do educated people today need to celebrate these creatures’ festivals just because some politician or saint advised without giving a thought about the nature? Move with time, please.
8) Why can’t people today gather for a WISE reason & purpose of helping the poor, disabled or old people instead of wasting public money?
9) Why do ‘nature-worshipping’ Hindus contribute and support the ‘destruction’ of the same by disposing dirt/faeces/ half-burnt corpse/idols in the ever-shrinking rivers, burn wood by felling trees to burn corpse and to perform rituals, gathering in huge numbers to pollute the environment?
10) Why do the Christians still believe in miracles of a virgin giving birth? How can they be called ‘educators’ while they are so superstitious and are still searching GOD in the thin air?
11) Why does the religion Islam which starts with the word ‘PEACE’ has successfully terrorized the world?
12) When half of the world does not carry out the customs, traditions and rituals and still LIVING WELL, then why the other half wastes money on these silly customs?
13) When you believe that God created EVERYTHING in this universe, why do you worship those fraud saints and sadhus?
14) How is that even educated people can’t differentiate between mythology (fabricated stories) & reality?
15) Why do parents force children believe in thousands of years lies and force them to waste money on non-essential customs? These are the parents who throw a fuss when the children want a new book/pen!
16) How is that you don’t know that a religious person is a fraud and a spiritual person is non-religious?
17) Does God need to be given BRIBES… when he is one who is GIVING ALL TO US? Isn’t it like filling the ocean with water?
18) Why do you need to decorate and dress this GOD? Why does he need to go for a fashion parade when billions don’t have clothes to cover their dignity?
19) Why do you need to FEED this GOD when he has all & gives us all? Or is this God permanently hungry? Billions of living beings don’t have a morsel to eat that you want to feed this imaginary being!
20) How is that you are never thinking of donating that amount saved (may be even Rs.10/) from burning that wasteful lamp, decorating this GOD, performing silly and useless rituals?
21) How is that every greedy and ambitious person ends up in ‘Art of living’ classes with high levels of stress where as those who take life as it comes and be humble don’t need any of these guidance?
22) If all our ancestor saints, sadhus and rishis were crooked, arrogant and foul mouthed; why to follow them even today?
23) When you declare you trust NONE BUT THE POWER OF GOD, why do you then trust the power of pearl, diamond and corals more? Did it ever strike you that diamond is just another piece of rock HE has created?!
24) If you are truly educated, then how is that you don’t want to stand up for the RIGHT VIEWS, RIGHT PRINCIPLES AND RIGHT DUTIES?
God is not lost to find him; he is not physically present to feed and to shelter him. For the gullible idiot everything is a miracle. For a thinker it is all science. For a spiritual person it is just mind over the matter. His virtual presence and thought is required to make us humble, clean, sincere and honest. God exists in essence and effect of life. It is that feeling wherein the TRUE GOD lives!!
(with thanx to Mrs. Rekha Ram for her insights..)
"What is the atheist's symbol?"
A simple black circle. It has the following characteristics in common with atheism:
It is simple.
It is whole.
It is unbroken.
It is obvious.
It is all-encompassing.
It is strong.
It has nothing to do with any religion or belief system
And, it makes for quite a small image file.
After Thots:
- I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.
- God made hundreds of millions of planets and wonderful species. But, by the time he got to us, he was scraping the bottom of the barrel.
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