Trekking Days..
Our core team had 'Harishpant Damodharpant Dattopant Krishnapant Haripant Devnawathe' - or shortly Harish Nawathe ( Taking only the first and the last name !. Its how a traditional old timer Hindu will tell his name.. The name will include the forefathers name .. as far as u can remember ! ) , Amit and Me. This Amit is a freelance photographer with a creative approach. I have seen his creativity on Photo film. He is doing wonderful things with his analog camera. He used to chase his dreams in forest alone during the early days. He used to go to bus stop and catch the bus to remote villages , get down at the last stop and used to start his unscheduled journey from there and usually he used to come back brimming with nice experience to share with. He had that sense of direction in forest and real hard core I can say. Contrary to Amit, Harish is organised and employee of LIC of India and he is the driving force - who made all our treks a reality by getting info required and planning. Some times when I couldn't get a bike for the weekly trek , we 3 used to ride on the single bike to our dream destination , in rain , in wind and in scorching sun. We never published our treks but I chronicled each one of them with photos and points I kept. The trek was purely personal like the exercise we do in a gym. Myself and Amit were capable of the dawn to dusk trekking without food and water. We were camels on the go ! And Harish was just the opposite. With our differences we grew stronger and richer.. richer with experience.